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Input Field Unit Demo Inputs Default
Electrical Inputs
Is the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) coincident with the Point of Delivery (POD)? None 1 (Yes)
Gen-Tie Line Length Mi 0
Max AC Power at Point of Delivery (POD) MW 100
Interconnection Voltage kV 34.5
Maximum Combiner Box Size # Strings 32
Non-Ohmic DC Losses % 0
Pre-parallel Strings? None No
Soil Thermal Resistivity °C-cm/W 90
Module 1 Selection (Add up to 5 Modules)
Manufacturer None
Model None
Width m
Length m
Energy Degradation %/Year
Price $/W
Inverter 1 Selection (Add up to 5 Inverters)
Manufacturer None
Model None
Width m
Length m
Max DC Inputs None
Max DC Fuse Size A 400
Number of Inverters per Station None 1
Price (Inverter Only) $/Unit
Structural and Geotechical Inputs – Detailed Mode
Rack Type None 4×4 Landscape Fixed Tilt
Wind Exposure Category None C
Basic Wind Speed mph 115
Ground Snow Load Pg 10
Racking Ground Clearance ft 2
Seismic Coefficient – Sds g 1.5
Ultimate Side Friction Resistance psf 500
Factor of Safety for Side Friction ASD 1.5
Ultimate End Bearing Capacity lbs 1500
Factor of Safety for End Bearing ASD 3
Unconfined Compressive Strength qu 1000
Minimum Required Pile Embedment ft 0
Top Soil to Neglect in 0
Pile Equipment Rental Cost $/Pile 15
Pile Labor Cost $/Pile 15
Rack Install Labor Cost $/W 0.05
Price of Structural Steel $/lb 0.52
Structural and Geotechical Inputs – Override Mode
Structure Type – Generic Fixed Tilt or Generic Single Axis Tracker None Fixed Tilt
Number of Modules Per Rack (Up) None 2
Number of Modules Per Rack (Across) None 4
Portrait or Landscape Orientation None 1 (Portrait)
Single-Axis Rotation Limit (tracker Only) Degrees 45
Shading Mode (Tracker Only) None Backtracking
Length of Piles Including Above Ground Portion (ft) ft 10
Linear Weight of Piles (lb/ft) lb/ft 7
Piles Per Rack None 2
Pile Equipment Rental Cost $/Pile 15
Pile Labor Cost $/Pile 15
Rack Install Labor Cost $/W 0.05
Price of Structural Steel $/lb 0.52
Racking Material Cost $/W DC 0.1
Financial Inputs
PPA Price $/kWh 0.15
PPA Escalation %/yr 1
PPA Escalation Years yrs 20
Project Lifespan yrs 25
Energy Availability % 100
Energy Degradation % 0.5
Soiling Losses – Average Annual % 5
Soiling Losses – January % 5
Soiling Losses – February % 5
Soiling Losses – March % 5
Soiling Losses – April % 5
Soiling Losses – May % 5
Soiling Losses – June % 5
Soiling Losses – July % 5
Soiling Losses – August % 5
Soiling Losses – September % 5
Soiling Losses – October % 5
Soiling Losses – November % 5
Soiling Losses – December % 5
Insurance Rate % 0.5
Insurance Rate Escalation %/yr -6
Inflation Rate % 2.5
Salvage Percentage % 0
Real Discount Rate % 8.2
Is Land Owned or Leased? None 2 (Leased)
Land Purchase Cost $ 0
Property Tax Rate % 0
Annual Land Lease Cost $/acre/year 500
Annual Land Lease Escalation Rate % % 0
Land and Site Prep Costs $/acre 2000
Interconnection Facilities and Gen Tie Costs $/kWAC 30
Design, Engineering, Permitting Costs $/kWAC 50
Construction Labor Rate $/hr 60
Electrical Labor Rate $/hr 75
Contractor Management & Margins % 15
Other Development Costs (AC) $/kWAC 0
Other Development Costs (Area) $/acre 0
Other Development Costs (DC) $/kWDC 0
Other Development Costs (Fixed) $ 0
Average Material Shipping Cost % 4
Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) % 30
State Investment Tax Credit (SITC) % 0
Federal Production Based Incentive $/kWh 0
State Production Based Incentive $/kWh 0
Man Mins per kW Civil Works man-min/kWDC 30
Man Mins per kW Mobilization & Staging man-min/kWDC 10
Man Mins per kW Panel Install man-min/kWDC 27
Man Mins per kW DC Electricals Install man-min/kWDC 25
Man Mins per kW AC Electricals & Inverter Install man-min/kWAC 13
Man Mins per ft Trenchwork man-min/ft 4
Loan Fraction % 50
Loan Term yrs 20
Loan Rate % 7
O&M Cost/Capacity (Excludes Land Lease & Insurance Costs) $/yr/kWDC 15
O&M Escalation %/yr 0
Federal Income Tax % 35
State Income Tax % 7
Sales Tax % 5
Depreciation Type (Federal) None 2 (MACRS)
Depreciation Type (State) None 2 (MACRS)
Federal Depreciation Straight Line Years yrs 7
State Depreciation Straight Line Years yrs 7
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